10 Things You Should Remember To Pack

Rebecca Anderson

Rebecca Anderson

Founder of Wanderland Escapes

things you should remember to pack

Summer is almost here, and for many, that means a summer vacation coming up. Whether your itinerary has you exploring a new city or spending a week with your toes in the sand, there are always some things you should remember to pack for a peaceful and stress-free vacation. 

When you forget to pack something important, it can be inconvenient, or it can be catastrophic. Forgetting a bathing suit or sunscreen isn’t as devastating because your destination likely has a place where you can buy it. However, leaving home without your passport or ID or your prescription medications can cause much bigger problems. Get out a piece of paper and let’s get started with your packing list!

10 Things You Should Remember to Pack for Your Vacation

Setting yourself up for success with a list of things you Must Have before leaving is a significant first step in preparing for your summer vacation. Use this list as a basis to get it started. There are plenty of other things that can be added to this list, but this is just the bare essentials list of some things you should remember to pack. Feel free to let us know what your additions are in the comments on our facebook page where we’ll have this posted. 

1. Passport, ID, Cell Phone, and House Keys


Your daily essentials, such as your wallet, keys, and phone are an almost subconscious grouping of things you always grab when you’re headed out the door. However,  they can easily be overlooked while packing for a new adventure. Even the most organized person can become flustered when their routine is adjusted drastically. Adding these items to the packing list and then placing them all where you can’t leave without grabbing them will help you. You definitely want to avoid getting to the airport without the proper identification to get to and from your destination. 

2. Climate Appropriate Clothing

Whether you’re boarding a flight to a tropical paradise or filling the tank for a week-long road trip with your best friends, you will be mighty uncomfortable if you don’t pack the proper clothing. Check the 10-day weather forecast for your destination, and pack accordingly. Pack at least one layer or outfit for unexpected weather. Believe it or not, it can sometimes get cold in places like Hawaii, especially if the weather turns to rain. Bringing a light jacket and some pants will help you be prepared for that. It’s also wise to bring extra socks and underwear, especially if you’re going to a hot and humid location. You may want to change them out more than once per day. 

3. Sun Protection

sunscreen kid

Even if you plan to be nowhere near the water, the sun will still affect your skin. Prevent painful sunburns and skin damage by bringing sunscreen with you. Many areas such as Hawaii require you to use reef-safe sunscreen, so be sure to find the appropriate kind to take with you. Some options like Sun Bum or Thrive will work. Avoid straining your eyes with comfortable and stylish polarized sunglasses and a wide-brimmed sun hat. You can also find UV Protective clothing layers and restorative aftercare skin products to ease any dryness or discomfort from your sunny adventures. 

4. Camera or Phone and the Charger

For most vacations, it’s perfectly acceptable and even expected that you would want to disconnect and unplug from technology. However, most people use their phones as their cameras now days. You’ll want to keep a phone charger and an extra battery pack in your carry-on to ensure you can document your adventure. Don’t forget if you’re traveling out of the country to make sure you have the right adapter to be able to plug in your electrical devices. 

5. Medications and a First Aid Kit

Carrying daily medications should be standard practice for any kind of travel. It is even more essential when you’re leaving the country. Refilling your prescriptions at a foreign pharmacy is a very low probability—pack enough of your medications for the trip and a few extra days to avoid this stressful situation. Plus, keeping a basic first aid kit in your carry-on will help you manage minor injuries.

6. Reusable Water Bottle


When you’re traveling, you’re more likely to become dehydrated. Through a mixture of distraction from the fun activities, heat exhaustion, dry HVAC systems, and a general change in routine, most people find they’re less likely to drink water regularly to stay hydrated. Bringing your own refillable water bottle gives you a physical reminder to drink water. There are also plenty of refilling stations at many airports. Just make sure it’s empty before you go through security at the airport.

7. A Book or Some Kind of Entertainment

Is there a book you’ve had your eye on but never had the time to pick it up? Reading a good book is a perfect way to rest and rejuvenate your mind. Either purchase and load a new book or three onto your digital book reader of choice or pick up a couple of paperbacks to stow with your luggage. If you’re not much of a reader, you could download some movies ahead of time onto your tablet or phone to watch while you’re on the plane, or get some fun games to play to pass the time.

girl reading

8. Navigation and Itinerary

Most of today’s navigation and itinerary plans are digital and conveyed through your phone. However, many places you may explore won’t have the best reception. You can save these documents offline in your phone memory or print them and pack them with your daily gear. One of the great things about booking with Wanderland Escapes is that we provide a detailed itinerary document that is catered to each traveler that you can download and print or keep digitally for easy access.

9. Small or Foldable Tote Bag

The regulations to help reduce our impact on the earth often include charging for or not offering plastic bags when purchasing souvenirs and groceries. Hawaii is one of those locations that has banned plastic bags and you’ll need to have your own bag with you. Carrying a small and foldable tote bag will help prevent dropping or losing your things after you purchase them. When you pack a reusable bag, you’ll always be prepared for any purchases.

10. Personal Protection

masked girl

Some locations worldwide have opened up to tourists but not all have dropped the mask mandates. While it’s unlikely you’ll have to wear them for most of your travels, keeping a mask or two in your daily carry bag or purse can save you from many hassles. Considering the times we’re in now, this is one of the things you should remember to pack. Plus, having a bottle of hand sanitizer and a pack of antimicrobial wipes can also help prevent the spread of germs during your trip. 

Get a Personalized Packing List 

You have already started your trip off right when you book a vacation with Wanderland Escapes. In addition to getting you the best bang for your buck, we make sure to cater everything you need to know for your trip. You can ask us about any particular packing advice relating to your destination or planned attractions for the best advice. We will make sure you know what things you should remember to pack.

Email Rebecca at:  rebecca@wanderlandescapes.com, and open the discussion so that we can get you on your way to your next dream vacation. 

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